Frozen Monster

with audio by Jordon Hodges

Deep under the ice, frozen stiff as a bone

A crashed NASA space rover carrier drone


It’s fifty miles down, covered in extraterrestrial slime

It’s an interesting story, but perhaps another time…


This tale’s about a monster called Abominable Phil

And to get down to him’s a hundred miles deeper still


Past furlongs of ice, leagues of cold solid stone

He thaws a bit every year, when he’ll be back is unknown


Epochs ago, eons in fact

His steps shook the Earth like a comet’s impact


The size of Alaska, with eyelashes that could smash a duplex!

Whenever he got hungry he would eat a T-Rex!


His footstep caused the crater we now call Hudson Bay

He once kicked down a mountain because it was in his way


He was peaceful enough –walked around rather sedately

At least he was way back when… I can’t speak for him lately…