“Hurry! Come in! I’m professor VonMiety!
Former ranking member –World Science Society.
“I was unfairly banned, even accused of crimes.
Just because my lab blew up a few thousand times.
“But is it really fair? To use the word ‘mad’?
My experiments have never gone horribly bad.
“They said my work’s something that they don’t believe in!
Makes me want to laugh, maniacally even!
“Just because my cyborg ran amuck in Utah.
Aha haha-ha haha-ha ha-ha!
“Well I guess that you must have seen my want ad.
I need a new assistant so frightfully bad.
“I hope you’re ok working somewhat… on the fringe.
This lab coat should fit you, don’t mind that small singe.
“That? That’s my laser-robot-moose-monster: breathing both ice and fire!
Right now more of a moose –lots of parts backordered with the supplier.
“Watch your step! That invention melts planets into clouds of cosmic fuzz!
It doesn’t quite work yet, but BOY WHEN IT DOES!
“Now it’s time to show you what I have in store,
You’ll work in the skyroom, up these stairs, through this door.
My experiments need power… perhaps… something more,
That’s your mark right over there –that charred place on the floor.
“Simply turn this crank during the lightning storm later today,
I’ll monitor closely, just a few rooms away,
I’ll pay whatever you ask, the very next day,
Do we have a deal? Tell me, what do you say?”