Supercomputer Robot Automaton

The supercomputer robot automaton

An engineering marvel and phenomenon


While NASA and Mensa fought over his time

He’d dream of white snow-covered mountains to climb


Not part of his programming, it just made no sense

Why his longing to snowboard was oh so intense


He hated equations; despised maxes and mins

He’d rather add some 360s into 720 spins


He beat the greatest chess master, found the last digit in Pi

But all he wanted was a halfpipe to launch him through the sky


One day the top scientists they thought up a fix

An “upgrade” to give his dreams of snowboarding the nix


On the day set for the install they looked all around

But the robot computer was nowhere to be found


On a pristine snowy hill somewhere far, far away

A new snowboarder was putting on quite a display


Full snow gear including hood, snow goggles, and visor

(covering every square inch of metal so that no one’s the wiser)


No need for food, rest, or sleep he could shred night and day

That supercomputer / automaton runaway


Time to time someone would shout, “That guy’s a machine!”

And a happier robot has never been seen…